The Lee Parish Council Meeting 11th May 2021: online at 7:30 pm

The Agenda for the next meeting of the Parish Council is available here. The meeting is being held online again using Zoom and members of the public are welcome to attend. If you would like to attend for part or the whole of the meeting you will first have to register your intention to join by emailing <> or telephone 07704 909324. The Clerk will then send you an ‘invitation’ with login details for the meeting.

If you are unable to join online and have questions to raise with the Council, we also invite residents to contact the Parish Clerk at <> or telephone 07704 909324.

Please note that the 2020 legislation, introduced by the Government to allow local councils to hold meetings online, reached the end of its term on May 7th 2021 and no extension is in place in England. After submissions by various organisations to allow an extension of this legislation, the Government has declined to do so (for England) and the High Court has ruled that from May 7th, council meetings in England must therefore take place ‘in person’ to comply with other local authority legislation. However, councils are required to carry out risk assessments of where and how they intend to hold their meetings and to also comply with other Covid Regulations which remain in force, and which may (or may not) change on May 17th and / or on June 21st. Having considered these issue, and after weighing up all the risks, it is proposed that TLPC should hold this meeting online as planned and review the issue again before the next meeting due to take place in July. A statement to this effect will be read and proposed at the start of the meeting.