The list below shows the lead councillor for areas of Parish Council responsibility, and also clarifies where ultimate responsibility lies with Buckinghamshire Council (BC). If you wish to contact the relevant councillor, please click on their highlighted name to send an email.
Should you have a query in an area not listed below, please contact the Clerk in the first instance.
Allotments – tenancies: Clerk
All enquiries regarding allotment tenancies should be directed to the Clerk.
Allotments: Councillor Adam Bunce
Cllr Bunce is the lead councillor for the boundary hedges, trees, grassed areas, water butts, fences and gates at the playground and allotments.
BMKALC: Councillor Nick Rose
Cllr Rose is the Parish Council’s representative on BMKALC (Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Association of Local Councils) which is an organisation serving Town, Parish and Community Councils throughout the County of Buckinghamshire.
Benches: Councillor Dick Chinnery
• Benches at Swan Bottom, Field End Lane and the playground and allotments, together with the picnic tables at the playground, are the responsibility of Cllr Chinnery
• All other benches in the parish are the responsibility of the donors/landowners
Boundary hedges: Councillor Nick Rose
See Roads
Broadband: Councillor Colin Sully
Cllr Sully is the Council’s representative in discussions relating to provsion of full fibre connectivity to all properties in the parish.
Chesham and Villages Community Board: Councillor Colin Sully
Cllr Sully is the Parish Council’s representative at meetings of the Chesham and Villages Community Board.
Finance: Councillor Colin Sully
Cllr Sully leads the Finance and Governance Group within the Parish Council. The latest financial statements can be found here.
Flytipping: Councillor Nick Rose
Flytipping is considered a Highways issue and is the responsibility of BC. Flytipping can be reported directly to BC or to the Parish Council at <> who will report the problem on your behalf.
Footpaths and bridleways: Councillor Dick Chinnery
Although keeping footpaths and bridleways clear is the responsibility of the landowner, BC are responsible for ensuring that this is done. BC are also responsible for ensuring that gates, stiles and signposts are kept in good order, although quite a lot of the work is actually carried out by the Chiltern Society.
Cllr Chinnery is the designated lead councillor for liaising with BC on all aspects of public rights of way (i.e. footpaths and bridleways) but each councillor has a section of the parish for which they are responsible for checking all paths, signs and stiles at least twice per year.
If you encounter any problems when out walking or riding they can be reported directly to BC or – for issues within the parish – they can be raised with Cllr Chinnery who will report them on your behalf.
Note: BC have an excellent online map of all footpaths – those with a reference starting TLE are within the parish.
Governance: Councillor Colin Sully
Cllr Sully leads the Finance and Governance Group within the Parish Council. The current governance policies can be found here.
HS2: Councillor Colin Sully
Cllr Sully leads the HS2 Group within the Parish Council and is the main point of contact with HS2 and their contractors. To contact the HS2 Group, please email <>. For the latest news on HS2, see here.
Memorials: Councillor Jamie Wilkinson
There are two memorials in the village, both of which are owned by and the responsibility of the Parish Council:
• the Jubilee Well
• the War Memorial
Notice boards: Clerk
The Parish Council is responsible for the upkeep of their notice board at the entrance to the Parish Hall; all other notice boards are maintained by the householders on whose land they sit.
Council notices are always posted on the notice board at the entrance to the Parish Hall, with many notices also being posted on the boards at the Guild Room and Swan Bottom.
Planning: Councillor Colin Little
All planning decisions are the responsibility of Buckinghamshire Council , however the Parish Council will always comment on all applications. Further details can be found here.
Whenever a new application is received by the Parish Council it will be allocated to a specific councillor in turn to take the lead; that councillor will draft a proposed response based on any feedback and further research. Other councillors will then have the opportunity to comment on the draft response before it is agreed and submitted to BC.
Cllr Colin Little is the lead councillor for planning issues not related to a current application, such as enforcement and the local plan.
Playground: Councillor Adam Bunce
Cllr Bunce is the lead councillor for the boundary hedges, trees, grassed areas, fences and gates at the playground and allotments.
Playground equipment: Councillor Dick Chinnery
Potholes: Councillor Nick Rose
Potholes can be reported directly to BC, or please notify the Roads Group led by Cllr Rose who will raise them on your behalf.
Public transport: Councillor Nick Rose
Roads: Councillor Nick Rose
All aspects of roads including flooding, drainage, speed limits, potholes, road closures and verges are the responsibility of BC, however Cllr Rose leads the Roads Group who are responsible for liaising with BC. You can contact the Roads Group at <>, which will ensure that your email will be seen by multiple councillors.
Responsibility for roadside hedges lies with the property owner, however BC will contact the owner should a hedge start to intrude upon the highway.
Responsibility for boundary hedges at the allotments and playground lies with TLPC, led by by Cllr Adam Bunce.
Roadside verges: Councillor Nick Rose
Roadside verges are technically the responsibility of BC, however in reality many householders and landowners take responsibility for both the hedges and verges bordering their land.
Task Force: Councillor Dick Chinnery
The Task Force is a group of volunteers who carry out small maintenance tasks on Parish property on an ad hoc basis. It is co-ordinated by Cllr Chinnery, and is always on the lookout for new volunteers with basic DIY skills.
The Lee Forum: Councillor Colin Sully
Any queries on The Lee Forum should be addressed to <>
Waste collection and management: n/a
Weekly collections and emptying of public rubbish bins are the responsibility of BC. Any problems can be reported directly to them here.
Website: Councillor Colin Sully
Any queries on the village and Parish Council’s website should be addressed to <>