Christmas Order Form

For all your poultry, beef, pork, lamb and other meat orders.
Kings have very kindly extended the deadline to Friday 15th December, so we are still able to take orders.

For all your bread and croissant orders.
The order book will close on Friday 15th December..
Please note that Culture Bakery will be closed between Christmas and New Year, however Jungs will be delivering bread as normal except on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day.

For all your fruit and vegetable orders.
The order book will close on Friday 15th December.

Use this form for:
* dairy from Martin the Milkman
* eggs from Brill
* Mediterranean favourites
The order book will close on Friday 15th December.

Frequently asked questions

Can I save my order and complete it later?

No, but you can submit multiple orders. Just add what you know initially, and then come back later and submit another order for the remainder.

I’ve forgotten an item, can I recall my order to add it?

No, once submitted you can’t amend the order. You can however just submit another order with the missing item(s).

I’d like to change the quantity on an order, how can I do this?

If you want to increase the quantity, just submit another order for the increased quantity.
If you want to decrease the quantity, please submit a new order with details of the cancelled item(s) in the “Special Requests” box at the end of the order form. Please note that it is not possible for any King’s Farm orders to be amended or cancelled after Friday 8th December.

I’d like to order more than one of a type of meat that’s sold by weight, but I can’t see how to do this. How can I order a second?

Just submit another order for the second piece of meat, or add a comment in the “Special Requests” box at the end of the order form.

How can I double check what I’ve ordered?

Everything you’ve ordered will have been confirmed in an itemised email.

Do I need to complete my bread order at the same time as my meat order?

No, each order type is completely separate, so you can complete them whenever you like – making sure of course that you order before the respective cut off date.