Although we know there had been a produce show since the very early days of the Flower Show, the early programmes did not include details of the classes of entry, and the focus was very much on participation in and prizes for the various games and races.
We do know that a cookery class for men was introduced in 1927.
An early list of the classes included a definition of the Cottagers who were eliigible to enter their produce.
Minutes of a Flower Show Committee meeting from 1922 confirmed the removal of the wasp collecting class, along with a definition of what constituted an “amateur”.
In 1930 there were also classes specifically for children, who had to attend Lee Common School in order to submit an entry.
The rules for 1933 had extended entrance to those living in Kings Ash, whilst removing those in South Heath. Both The Lee and Potter Row had different spellings to those in common use today.
Although there are no major changes in the classes from year to year, there are always some minor changes. The full list of classes by 2022 was quite extensive, with a dog show having become a firm fixture in the early part of the 21st century.
The rules for who could exhibit in 2022 were quite comprehensive. South Heath had been reintroduced, but entry was also available to anyone having an allotment in the parish or being a member of the Ballinger Horticultural Society.
Children were eligible not only if they lived in the parish or attended Lee Common School, but also if they were a member of the Lee Common Scouts.
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