Code of Conduct for The Lee Forum

The Lee Parish Council (TLPC) provides the online forum (the Forum) for the exchange of information amongst those who live in The Lee and surrounding villages. Possible uses are:

  • information about local events
  • requests for assistance or recommendations
  • small items for sale or wanted (of a non-commercial nature)
  • sharing news (including Parish Council and Shop at The Lee news)
  • security information (e.g. suspicious events).

The Forum is provided for the enjoyment and benefit of all members. Like any community, the Forum is most valuable when everyone obeys certain basic guidelines and rules for behaviour. This Code of Conduct is presented here so that you know what is expected of you and what you can expect from other participants when using the Forum.

The Forum welcomes members from The Lee parish and adjacent villages (for example Ballinger, South Heath, etc). Applicants from further afield may be given ‘read-only’ access to the Forum, unless they can demonstrate a reason for full-membership which would contribute to the enjoyment and benefit of members within the terms of this Code of Conduct.


TLPC reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to:

  • Edit and/or remove any post containing or linking to material in violation of this Code of Conduct.
  • Disable the membership of any user who violates this Code of Conduct.

If you have any doubts about whether your post or link may violate this Code, please ask a Forum administrator before posting.


Keep it courteous

Everyone wants to have a positive experience while on the Forum – please make sure that you are not detracting from any other user’s experience. In particular, please refrain from posting anything unlawful, libellous, defamatory, obscene, profane, pornographic, indecent, lewd, harassing, threatening, harmful, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, abusive, inflammatory or otherwise objectionable or injurious to third parties.

Offering opinions

The Forum is specifically provided to allow users to help each other and offer opinions. Your opinions are welcome, but personal attacks and harassment (“flaming”) are not acceptable. Disagreements and negative opinions should not be personal or disparaging. Please refrain from abusing any individual, company, organisation or product. Please refrain from postings of a Party Political nature.

TLPC wishes to encourage a courteous, respectful and open environment.

People in the community will be happy to help out and offer advice, but remember that their advice is theirs only and that you are responsible for deciding whether or not to follow it.

The views expressed in this Forum are those of the authors only and not necessarily of the website owners or webmasters.

Keep it relevant

To assist users in finding and receiving relevant information, the Forum is divided into a number of separate forums relating to different topics such as ‘Wanted and For Sale’, ‘Lost and Found’ etc. Please post topics in the appropriate forum; should a topic be opened in an inappropriate forum, TLPC reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to move the post to the appropriate forum.

For everyone’s benefit please stay on topic. If you want to take the discussion somewhere else, then start a new topic.

Material belonging to someone else should only be shared if you have their permission.

Keep it clear

Please communicate clearly so everyone may understand. Avoid using any wording which might be difficult for all users to understand.  We seek to provide a comfortable environment where you can get help from other users.  This can only happen if we can understand each other.

Keep it spam-free – this means NO COMMERCIAL SELLING

This Forum is provided as a service to residents and is not intended for the promotion of commercial services, products, websites or organisations, with the exception of the Shop at The Lee, which is a not for profit, community asset owned by the villagers. A further exception is made for the two village pubs (the Cock and Rabbit and the Old Swan) who are permitted to post details of their services and events no more frequently than once every two weeks. Posting other content that would constitute advertising, marketing, sales pitches, junk mail, spam, chain letters, or any other form of unauthorised solicitation will not be allowed. Such content will be deleted without notice and your profile may be disabled or banned.

Keep jobs local

Advertising of job vacancies based within the parish of The Lee, or the neighbouring villages of Ballinger and South Heath, is permitted. Advertising a vacancy on behalf of a third party is not permitted.

Advertising of other job vacancies is at the discretion of the forum administrators; if you are not sure whether a vacancy meets the requirements, or for advertising a vacancy elsewhere, please contact the forum administrators at for advice, and to discuss your requirements, before posting

Keep it legal

The forum does not permit posting of any messages which incite, encourage, support or condone any illegal actions or behaviour. Such content will be deleted without notice and your profile may be disabled or banned.

Be careful with your personal information

When registering for the Forum, your user name and full name (first and last) will be visible to other registered members. You should not post other personal information publicly on the Forum, including your address and phone number, UNLESS you specifically wish individuals to respond to a request through those contacts. When posting such information, please note that the content of posts can only be viewed by registered users of the Forum.

Requests for personal or confidential information to be shared are best dealt with off-line, in which case contact details will need to be given.


We place cookies on your computer to remember which posts you have read. A cookie is a text file containing a small amount of data which is downloaded to your computer when you visit the Forum. If you continue to use the Forum we’ll assume that you are happy with this. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Information on deleting or controlling cookies is available at Please note that by deleting our cookies or disabling future cookies you may not be able to access this Forum.

We hope you enjoy using the Forum!