Lee Common Scouts operate out of the Scout Hut at Lee Common. The Scout group provides scouting activities for boys and girls from the age of 6 to 14 years in Beaver Scout (6yrs to 8yrs), Cub Scout (8yrs to 10 1/2yrs), and Scout (10 1/2 yrs to 14yrs) sections
Group Scout Leader: Chris Nevill ( 01494 864881 gsl@1stleecommon.co.uk)
Scout Leader: Crescenzo (Enzo) D’Alessandro ( 07944 302351 scouts@1stleecommon.co.uk)
Cub Leader: James Bruton ( 07780 883611 cubs@1stleecommon.co.uk)
Beaver Leader: Karen Bruton ( 07867 332857 beavers@1stleecommon.co.uk)
Bucks County Office, Unit 11, Pembroke Road, Aylesbury HP20 1DB ( 0845 094 5526 www.bucks-scouts.org.uk)