Charlotte Reynolds receives the 2024 Newsletter Award from Phil Harrison
The Cock and Rabbit 1902New roadsign by Team FrogA Baptism… at St John the BaptistIf it’s July… it must be the Flower ShowTea time at The Lee Church FeteThe Parish Hall and Shop – in cakeThe Post Office visits Lee Common SchoolPet portraiture by Chrissi RatcliffeFrom tiny mustard seeds…Boot camp ladies at Lee CommonSanta stops to ask the way of a Newsletter Editor
Hilltops Ukrainian Support CommunityLee Common School Councillors… future Parish Councillors?Summer visitorsLee Common School 150 years celebration muralA Ukrainian ‘Thank you’Celebration time!The Coronation of HM King Charles IIIDougal Hildrith, Ian Dell and the Dreamteam on top of KilimanjaroPeter BunceTwo of our older residents: Janet Joyner and Diana Morley, then and now1909 souvenir postcard of The Lee
Steve Burrows receives the Award for Merit to ScoutingCor, love a duckQEII memorial and KCIII accession ceremony at The LeeSo when do you think the Cricket Club played its first match?Too many brilliant photos to pick out one!The Lee @ EX34 8LWMay Day at Lee CommonA host of golden daffodilsThe football team with no name!Area of (formerly) Outstanding Natural BeautyGill Owen-Conway, BEM for services to the community
Remembrance Sunday 2021A Re-engage summer gathering at Lower Bassibones Farm, Lee CommonFrom King’s Troop to the troupe of Ballinger Players, our erstwhile Community Glazier HygienistThe Church in the communityHoles, holes and yet more holes‘Day by Day’ a stained glass window by Claudia D’Allessandro at Stoke Mandeville HospitalOut for 83 – RIP BarnabyGetting ready to open up for a new season!Let’s rediscover our smiles in 2021Old Oak at Hunts Green – RIP (Picture by Don Stone)Santa paid The Lee a flying visit
Sally Knowles with the ‘Proud of Bucks’ award for The Shop at The LeeJohn Barber and his steam carThere must be some way out of here… said the joker to the thief‘Lucky’ the magpie – aka ‘Fred’The Lee Flower Show 2020 – At HomeHS2 boring machine: coming to a field near youHappy Mum Day!Blue whale skeleton at the Natural History MuseumThe Lee’s new water featureShop Volunteers receive the 2019 Newsletter Award
Where shall we rove for supper tonight?Peter Macann enthralls the audience at the Annual Newsletter DinnerMarking the northernmost point of the parishThe Halloumi QueenDucks learn how to get to and from the pondThe Dulux Revolution comes to The LeeLee walkers … and their ownersA Victoria Sponge to be proud ofThe battle of the sexes at The Lee Church FêteA wintry scene at The Lee
The Lee in Living MemoryLest we forgetThe Glass HouseBryan knows his onionsLee Common C of E School Maypole Dancing at the Church FêteBluebell walkRoe Deer, Image (by Stewart Dennis)Just a little reminder of what it was like in MarchThe end of the road… for BCC mobile librarySilver-washed fritillary (by Don Stone)
The dedication on the latest kissing gate installed by the Chiltern Society volunteersSam H: winner of the John Glanfield Fair Play trophyLee Common Scouts visit a German national Scouting jamboree The Shop @ The Lee @ The ShowPulling together! The Lee Church FêteIt’s all Greek to meSpawn-producing frogs (by Don Stone)Lee Common ScoutsGrey Heron at Sly Corner (by Don Stone)New Year’s Honours in The Lee: Dr Heather Barrett-Mold OBENew Year’s Honours in The Lee: Mr Barnaby Usborne MBE
Just how many dogs are there in The Lee?Sponsored dog walk to raise money for the Chilterns Dog Rescue SocietyDedicated to the memory of Roger Morgan – a fitting tributeFromelles July 2016 – lest we forgetTea and cakes at The Lee Church FêteChris Nevill, Group Scout Leader, Lee Common proudly wears the Scout Associations’s Silver Acorn Award‘Head boards’ at The Lee Old ChurchIf only …Saints and Sinners at the Cock & RabbitA view looking north across Hunts Green and Kings Ash … before the railway