Both the number of prizes awarded, and the value of them, has changed over the years.

In 1930, as in 2022, first, second and third prizes were awarded in the Children’s Classes. The classes in 1930 were similar to those for adults, whereas by 2022 they were far more focused on artwork and simple baking, rather than flowers, fruit and vegetables.
The top prize in 1930 was 3/6d. Although this translates into 17.5p in decimal currency, the equivalent in 2022 would be £12.71. The top 2022 prize was actually £5, so the value of Flower Show prizes has not kept up with inflation!
Second prize was 2/6d in 1930, translated to 12.5p in decimal currency but equivalent to £9.08 in 2022 prices; second prize in 2022 was £1. Third prize in 1930 was 2/- (10p in decimal currency) which was equivalent to £7.27 at 2022 prices, third prize was actually 50p in 2022.
Although the value of prizes has shrunk significantly, winning in the present-day Flower Show is more for the glory than pecuniary benefit. There are many cups awarded for specific achievements, such as those wining the most classes in various categories, with new cups being introduced on a regular basis in memory of past stalwarts of the Flower Show.
In 1991 there were around 20 cups and other awards.

By 2023, this had grown to over 30 cups and awards, with the winners being:
- Best in Show Trophy for best horticultural exhibit: Pauline Grime
- Open Classes Cup for most points in 1-48 excl 22 & 23: Magdalena Pawulk
- Cottager Cup for runner up in 1-48 excl 22 & 23: Jackie Gold
- William Holland Cup for most points in 3-5: Liz Bristow, Ben Marman and Fred Harrison
- Visitors Cup (Vegetables, Fruit, Flowers) for most points in 23, 30 & 50: Bridget Lavin
- Maurice Holland Cup for most points in 24-29: Jenny Wooding
- Douglas Lapham Trophy for class 31: Jackie Gold
- Davie Bowl for class 35: Sue Jepson
- William Arthur Rose Cup for most points in 36-42 : Judi Whymark and Catherine Stewart-Liberty
- Pot Cup for most points in 51-61: Alison Weir
- Elsie Matthews Cup for most points in 62-64: Sue Jepson
- Visitors Cup (Floral Art) for class 66: Pauline Grime
- The Darvell Cup for most points in 67-75: Chloe Lewis and Lynda Cooke
- The Lee WI Cup for most points in 77-83: Trish Swain
- Evelyn Stewart-Liberty Cup for most points in 67-87 excl 76: Trish Swain
- William Baxter Cup for class 74: Bill Baxter
- Visitors Cup (Cookery) for class 76: Eric Timms
- Anne Kenyon Egg Trophy for most points in 84-86: Sue & Barry Godman
- Audley Humphreys Handicraft Trophy for most points in 93-94: Jill Jones
- Gill and John Chudley Cup for most points in 88-92: Fiona Baxter
- The Cecil Beaton for most points in 96-99: Steve Burrows
- Hart Shutter Magic for best photograph in the show: Annabelle Clark
- Tim Hilder Award for most points in 102-107: Jiya Hynds
- Glanfield Award for most points in 109-113: Annabelle Clark
- Eric Hobbs Award for most points in 116-120: Felix Sampson
- Morley Cup for most points in 122-123: N/A
- Doggie Bag Jug for supreme dog: Peggy, presented by Nikki Treasure
- Susan Cowdy Award for race winner: Rebecca Ash
- Ladies Race 35+ for race winner: N/A
- President’s Cup for race winner: William Leslie
- Diploma for Excellence in Horticulture: Jackie Gold
in 1977, the winner of the Ladies Bowling was awarded a special prize – a man-servant for a day.

The successful winner was Mrs Dorothy Golding, who won the services of Derry Worsfold as her “Jeeves for the day”.
Prizegiving in 1984. From left to right: Maurice Holland, Nigel Dwight and Tim Hilder.

A special certificate was awarded to prizewinners in the Centenary Show of 1992.
History was made in the 1990s when Fred Chilton won the Cottager Cup for seven consecutive years.

In recent years, Adam Speller and John Horsman are in charge of the prizes.
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