Local Publications

One Hundred Years in The Lee – A history of the Parish over the 20th century
An interesting compilation based on archive material and memories of current and past residents of The Lee. The book is available via this website.
No Finer Courage – A Village in The Great War
A really great read. It provides both an insight into the life and times of the Parish during the First World War and a chronicle of the experiences of the men who went away to fight. Available from the author, Mike Senior, via this website.
Video/DVD: The Lee Millennium Video – A Journal of Village Life
Tracks events and other happenings in the village over the Millennium year. Narrated by the actor and late, local resident, Geoffrey Palmer, the 2020 remastered DVD is now available from the village shop, Shop at The Lee.
CD-ROM: The Lee Village Diary – A year in the life of a village – The Lee 2000 AD
The Millennium Diary was created by a large number of village people and takes the form of a scrapbook in a beautiful binding. It is collection of events, features and information. Includes watercolour paintings, weather charts, poems, accounts of life, features on buildings, people, church and all other aspects of village life. Contact Jenny Senior via this website.
A History of Admiral Lord Howe
By Liz Stewart-Liberty; published here.
A History of The Lee
Subtitled “The Story of a special Chiltern Parish”, this book has far more detail of village history than can be shown on this website. For example, did you know that the first person to own The Lee rode with William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings and has been immortalised on the Bayeux tapestry? Or that The Lee Old Church is the oldest standing building in the Chiltern District? A History of the Lee is available to buy in the village shop.
The Lee in Living Memory
Subititled “Voices from a special Chiltern Parish”, this book was conceived as part of the millenium celebrations. It has reminiscences of people over the age of 80 at the turn of the century who had lived their lives in the village, musing on their early lives and the changes they had seen. Updated in 2017 to include some slightly younger voices, it gives a fascinating insight into The Lee in the 20th century – what has changed and what is constant. The Lee in Living Memory is available in the village shop.
Other information source/owner
British History Online: Parishes: Lee
Bucks County Council: Old Photos of The Lee
Bucks Stained Glass: Windows in St John the Baptist, Windows in the Old Church
Chiltern District Council: Population
Chiltern Society Photgraphic Group: Photographs of The Lee
County Views: Photographs of The Lee
Church of England: St John the Baptist, The Lee Old Church
OliverCromwell.org: Stained glass windows
The Chiltern Society: The Chilterns
Towns in Britain: The Lee
Wikipedia: Information on The Lee