Starting a New Topic

The first thing to do when starting a new topic is to decide in which forum it belongs: Lost and Found, Wanted and For Sale, HS2 etc. If you aren’t sure which forum to use, choose Miscellaneous – if appropriate the admininistrators will move the topic to a more relevant forum.

Please note that:

  • although anyone can comment on them, only administrators can start new topics in the Parish Council forum
  • the HS2 forum is likely to have a wider audience than the village forums, with not all subscribers being resident in the local villages

To start a new topic, select the required forum from the overview list:

screenshot highlighting the list of forums

… and then click the New Topic button

screenshot highlighting the New Topic buttons

Enter the topic subject, and then type your message in the main box. Add any links and attachments that are needed, click Submit… and wait for the responses to come in. Remember, unless you are subscribed to receive mails for all topics and posts, you’ll need to explicitly subscribe if you want to receive email notifications whenever someone replies to your topic.

screenshot pointing out where to enter the subject and content of a new topic, also the checkbox should you wish to receive notifications of any replies

Please note that there can be a long delay after you press the Submit button to create your new topic.
We are working to resolve this, but please don’t press the button multiple times or you will just create multiple copies of your post.

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