Subscribing to a Forum

When you want to get notifications about a new topic in a forum, you need to use the Subscribe To Forum feature.  For example, if you want to stay informed about the Lost and Found forum as shown here without having to log in, setting this feature to subscribe will send you a notification and link when a new topic is created.

Here is how you subscribe to a forum (go to the forum you want first).

screenshot highlighting the Subscribe to this Forum button

If you are either no longer interested in getting notifications from a forum that you are subscribed to, you can also unsubscribe from the forum.

Here is how you unsubscribe from a forum (go to the forum you want first).

screenshot highlighting the Unsubscribe from this Forum button

If you have subscribed to a particular topic within this forum, please note that unsubscribing from the forum will NOT also unsubscribe you from a specific topic(s).

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The Lee Forum is driven by Asgaros software. This user guide is a customised version of the Asgaros User Guide