There are three different options for setting subscriptions to email notifications:
- subscribe to all new topics in all forums
- subscribe to all new topics and posts in all forums
- set individual subscriptions to selected forums and topics
All new topics
To subscribe to all new topics in all forums, click the New Topics button. You will still need to subcribe to invidual topics to receive notifications for updates and replies on them.
All new topics and posts
To subscribe to all new topics and posts in all forums,i.e. everything that is posted anywhere, click the New Topics & Posts button. You will now get email notifications for anything that is posted.
Individual subscriptions
This option allow you to specify exactly which forum(s) you want to subscribe to, for email notifications of all new topics in that forum. You can also subscribe to individual topic(s) in order to receive notifications of all updates to that particular topic(s).
This screen will show the details of individual subscriptions, with links to subscrbed forums/topics and the option to cancel subscriptions if no longer wanted. If you want to subscribe to additional forum(s) or topic(s), you would need to go to the individual forum or topic – you cannot choose selection subscriptions from this page.
Please note that:
• it is not possible to subscribe to all updates for all topics in only selected forums
• you can subscribe to updates for any topic – it doesn’t have to be in a forum to which you are subscribed.
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The Lee Forum is driven by Asgaros software. This user guide is a customised version of the Asgaros User Guide